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Retroactive Entry (so this is the real 1st DS entry. oh no, i just noticed that Madame Steph posted her's in the year of 1006. darn, you win). by, Eugenia Snark
MONDAY, 10.30.06...
$2 - Starbucks Medium Coffee w/ Room
$0 - Sacked Lunch (Veggie Sushi Rolls & Apple, since you asked)
$20 - Cafe Noir Dinner (warning: they only take Amex. Total was $80 but that's all I had.)
What happened to MasterCard anyways? It ruled!! It was the ubiquitous card during the time that I came up and now what? Is American Express sucking you all off like that, to the point where you don't want anyone else? I agree with Sienna on this one, Monogamy is Overrated.
TUESDAY, 10.31.06...
I'd like to start by saying Happy Birthday Vanilla Ice!! That being said...
$2 - Starbucks Medium Coffee w/ Room
$0 - Sacked Lunch (Veggie Sushi Rolls & Apple, since you asked)
$$$ - dinner/drink/cab budget for the night ahead. (PROJECTED ON 10/31 @ 4PM)
$25 - candy for the kiddies. ended up chillin on the stoop with homies and passing out candy to the kiddies the hood and having a jolly ole time. (ACTUAL @ 9PM)
$10 - thai take-out, pad see ew with tofu. mmmm...(ACTUAL @ 9PM)
Please forgive me in advance. I'm thinking, actually, I know that there are going to be holes in my spending thread. After 10pm, I make no promises regarding the authenticity of my spending log. Entertain you, I will, but join me in laughter, as you certainly will, at the large picture, rather than the play by play, particularly after 10pm, maybe, even 8pm on better nights,,,xx
This couldn't have come at a better time. I am both trying to loose weight and also
save some money so writing down what I spend and eat in a type of high school anorexic fashion is perfect. I swear this was in a Lifetime movie where Tracy Gold plays an anorexic and writes everything down all day in hopes of controlling her intake. Of course all she wrote was 2 chopped pieces of carrots and gum and I think she even barfed that shit up but still, maybe this will shame me into eating less and keep me out of financial ruin. At least that is what I was thinking when I started this..
Today I brought a bag of premade chicken to work to eat for lunch to curb the expenses.
$4.For my morning treat to myself for actually going to work I got my large ice hazelnut coffee and apple juice
$4.81 For lunch I decided to screw the chopped chicken pieces and go out and get lunch because I was bored and needed to leave. I was so starving I ended up picking an assortment from a salad bar that contained soggy cesear salad, old stale kimchee, some broccoli salad and to top it off some horrible smelling nondescript chicken type thing. I ended up coming back to my cube and eating the broccoli, throwing the rest out and eating some of the chicken I actually brought in for myself to eat.
I am really sticking to this plan well I can already see...
$3 Halloween Card - Being the bad person in the relationship girlfriend already gave me a card upon waking up this AM. Rather than give her the ball of lint I have in my pocket and or some candy wrappers I find on the floor, I figure it's best to keep up the good appearances and get her a card
$10 - bottle of wine to sweeten up appearances with said girlfriend.
DinDin will be provided by the missus. Good times.
So for today already we're looking at $4, 4,81, 3, and box o wine 10 is $21.81.
All Hallow's Eve... Day One and counting!
$0: burnt office coffee
$0: leftover toppings of salad from yesterday's office meeting, including but not limited to, bacon bits, avocado, and something that resembles an egg... or crumbled giant snot pellets, but most likely an egg. (lettuce discarded for uselessness)
$1.65: coffee #2 from News Bar Cafe on University and 13th. Excellent coffee served by vacant baristas. Just got the 9th stamp on a "10th One's On US!!!" card which means tomorrow will be a day of celebrations. A day where angels will descend from parted clouds of the sky and hand me a $4 large triple shot soy latte free of charge. More on that tomorrow....
My day's spendings are usually planned out according to 3 important factors of the day: 1. my hangover 2. timing of my bowel movements 3. how i plan to handle said hangover at the end of the workday. #1 and #2 usually determine when i'm going to eat and how much (quantity by poundage) I plan on eating. Food seems to be the cause of my biggest expenditures and the greater the hangover, the greater the bowel movement, the greater the hunger... i'm sure you're getting the picture. That leaves #3. I'd say 4 out of 5 hangovers of the week are handled with the hair of a dog rather than good sound sleep, and that, as my fellow New Yorkers are finely aware, is a giant proverbial hole in the pocket if there ever was one.
So... I would probably have to rate myself as being on the cheap side of the fence since my 3 jobs garner me a few rocks and a bottle cap for pay, but it'll nonetheless be interesting to see exactly where those rocks and bottle caps go!!
Recap: Tuesday, October 31st, 2006 - $1.65 (obviously not hunover today) + $40 for drinks later tonight (hey, it's halloween!) = $41.65 (dinner provided by my suitor, WORD?!)
First test entry....
HALLOW'S EVE.. and counting (per Madame Stephanie Fleiss)
$0: burnt office coffee and a handful of pepperidge farm goldfish (parmesan) leftover from yesterday
$1: Dr. Brown's Cream Soda at Deli
When is the last time you created salt burns on the edges of your mouth from eating goldfish? I am trying to food push them on Steph so that by the time my other coworker builds up the nerve to come over and stick her grubby paws into the bag to help herself without asking, there will be nothing but crumbs.
ok and for more juice:
Monday 10/30/1006
$0: bad office coffee with 1.5 packs of sugar bc i needed the kick and that feeling of soggy, spongy teeth.
$6.81: Salad at corner deli for lunch
$20.00: co-pay at eye doctor for an emergency evaluation of the sty in my eye
$12.61: Bedford pharmacy for 3 pairs of kneehigh socks for .99Cents each and some miracle eye ointment for the resident zit inside my eye
$61 + $15 tip: Marlow and Sons. Half of the bill split with Lauren (and Ryan) for midnight meal of 18 oysters + 1 chicken liver pate + Marlow's final bottle of the Cava (ever in inventory) + 1 bottle of the Prosecco they are now replacing the Cava with. A steal at $34/bottle but the Prosecco is much fruitier, which I guess I have to live with. Grrrrr.
$0: Maker's Mark on the rocks at East River Bar, courtesy of Ryan. In a few days you will see cost of laundry, as they endorse encaged smoking aka, inddors, and into the weave of my clothes.
$0: Vice Guide to Travel DVD-- slept through most of it till 3:45a.m. Woke up in the segment with that dude Trace- who is the ultimate douchebag I met on Laura B's balconey a year or so ago. Chef started the account, so I consider it free!

Ahhhhhhhh, the beauty and charm of Marlow, into the depths of my wallet...
This is the first test entry for our new blogging venture. The inspiration: a diary of 6 vaired income New Yorkers: Our intent is to delight you with our lavish and rash wastes of money and to give you perspective on what we think was worth it or not. On this site you will find the spending perspective of chinks, gooks, whities, gays, straights, spendthrifts, cheapsters, cooks, office duds, etc. Thanks to Eug and Ginny for the name of our new online rant/confessional/diary/trash-talking forum! Enjoy!