Monday 11.6.06...
$6 (?) - had some paint chips and a hit off the crack pipe for lunch
$12 - paid tip at Clinton St. Baking Co dinner with David. Had the pork chops over glazed pears with mashed sweet potatos and a beet salad. David had the buttermilk fried chicken. Both were amazing, but I prefer my fried chicken ghetto steeze a la Kennedy's or Popeye's on good days.
$16 - 2 glasses of wine at Clandestino (Ludlow and Canal). Since David was going to spend the rest of the evening lubing himself up for his reunion with his Xbox, I decided to check out the bar downstairs. The bartender was super cute, and the wine was decent. They also serve some tapas-style appetizers like sardines and cheese plates.
Total 11.6.06: $34
Tuesday 11.7.06...
$45.80 - Forever 21: 2 tops and 1 underwear. Replaced lunch with an Energy Bar and went shopping for tops that would hide my double cheeseburgers.
$6.71 - Subway (the usual). I was not joking about my Subway addiction.
$0 - Dinner of sliced steak with a mushroom reduction sauce over brown rice and boiled veggies and pear. Prepared by Vinh as payment for some favors involving a computer and some fonts n stuff.
$10 - 5 maybe 6... 7? glasses of wine at the K.C. Gotta love being Norm at the neighborhood bar.
Total 11.7.06: $62.51
Wednesday 11.8.06...
$4.25 - Jamba Juice. So pointless. So overpriced, but oh so good.
$5 - cab to St. Mark's. Sat in a shoebox at Yakitori Taisho and ate a gallon of oil in fried goodies that a Pokemon/Jermaine Dupri hybrid kid served us. Then we went to Sing Sing karaoke and abused people's ears with metal rants for 2 hours and walked out with popped blood vessels and delusions of grandeur about our soon-to-be careers as the next Sebastian Bach and Phil Anselmo. (All Mashburn's treat!! Yippee~!)
$16 - Went to Calndestino again for a night cap and got 3 for 2 glasses of white.
Total 11.8.06: $25.25
Thursday 11.9.06...
$0 - Meetings in the office all day. The meaning of the combination of the previous jumble of letters of the alphabet should read as nothing but FREE FOOD!
I can't remember for the life of me what the hell I did the rest of this day. There's probably a significant connection between this and all the alcohol I consumed this week, so I'm gonna make a realistic educated guess...
$.75 - pencil shavings and film cleaner for dinner. Swedish fish from the downstairs vending machine for dessert.
Total 11.9.06: $.75 (woohoo!)
Friday 11.10.06...
$4.37 - Whole Foods: small tub of smack n cheese and herb roasted chicken thigh/wing.
$1 - pack of rolaids from the deli to relieve the gas caused by the above meal.
$5 - fuzzy cab ride home from night out with work peeps on the company dime. dude. architects = notorious drinkers. 6 martinis and one shot at Pravda to wash down baked oysters, mini burgers, fries, and fennel salad. The food seemed spectacular beyond belief, but it might've had something to do with the 6 martinis and the giant donation I made to the porcelain gods right before game-time. You know how food always tastes so exquisite after a good face-scrunch sesh. After the "appetizers," went to Public to have dinner. The food was god-awful, but I didn't really taste much of it in between the 3 glasses of wine, port, and mounds of ice cream for dessert. WARNING: in case you ever visit this joint as cross-eyed wasted as I was, pee in the men's bathroom. I think there were 2 locks in the women's. It's a long dramatic story, but after some excessive banging of the fists and a few tears, they found me, and i'm ok now.
Total 11.11.06: $10.37
Saturday 11.11.06
$15 - Brunch at Supper. Woke up still drunk with racoon eyes and one sock on. Needed greasy piles of sustenance. Ate 3 bites of a goat cheese/chicken sandwich and almost puked it all over the pretencious-looking boston terrier sitting next to me. He started looking kinda tasty though. j/k.
$15 - spent last few dollars to my name on drinks at Laura's B-day. I got bitten by a human 3 times and Danny came out to the city. It was party time. Excellent.
Total 11.12.06: $30
Total for the week: $162.88

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