So Halloweenie adventures consisted of a lot of unrememberance, and by unrememberance I mean I vaugely remember suffocating under a rubber mask of a baseball, madame stephanie fleiss' smooshed pancakes, the sweaty armpits of a chef (a real one not a costumed one), and a somewhat large but convincing Karl Lagerfeld... meaning, I was very hungry and hungover yesterday. SOOOOO, Lettuce begin...
Wednesday, 11.01.06...
$1.65: first cup of coffee from News Bar Cafe (still saving my free one for a REAL emergency!!)
$15: Lunch at Republic in Union Sqaure. I know. We hate it. But we Love it. But we hate it. (Get the coconut skrimp!!)
$0.37: into an empty 5 gallon water bottle to help the homeless... or buy crack, who knows. I've never trusted these guys, but apparently one penny, just one penny, will make a difference, so I gave 37 of 'em.
$2: pair of size 9 sports socks from street vendor in Union Square cause I didn't do laundry and I hate my boyfriend's socks. I think I have like 9 of these at home... the guy should start giving me a "10th Ones on Us!" card.
$50: Went to that new place E.U. (European Union) in the EV for dinner with David. Decor was played, but something about barnyard bathroom modern vampiric ye-olde-tavern hicksville chic (a la Marlow & Sons) still gets to me. Food was good, but nothing special. Great cava for $7, and the service was surprisingly excellent (i.e. they actually talk to you and serve you your food. they MUST be starved for buisness.)
Total: $69.02

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