Wednesday, November 01, 2006

S-Random Updates

Tuesday, 10.31.06...
$53 Drinks at Le Singe Vert
$4.50 for 40oz Olde English and bag of Wise chips
$8 cab ride home from some bar no idea of name that I went to with other Steph and Co.
$5 for 2 slices of pizza. I think that it actually cost $6 but the guy likes me and gave me a dolla off. I have a feeling this entire project is going to encourage flirting and stealing to appear to save money.
Total $78.50

Wednesday, 11.1.06...
Happy All Saint's Day people. Tonight I am going to see the Knife. Cannot wait and I am betting it's gonna be another bender.
$3 for the Halloween card I STILL haven't gotten for girlfriend
$7 for breakfast sandwich from wichcraft. I swear I ate it in 4 bites
$2.50 for the sweet sweet ice coffee that helped take the hangover away.
$0 snacking on anything salty I find the back office closet and putting peanut butter on it.
$20 for dinner tonight with friend in town.
$20 (guessing) for alkeehol at said concert.
Total $52

On one short note, Courtney Love was in town last night signing copies of her new book. I see sobriety is making her dress like a cracked out grandma.

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