um, okay...this is gonna be pretty embarassing but this shame will be good for me in the longrun. that's my new mantra. "the shame will be good for me in the longrun". wait a sec, i just realized, that's what my parents have been telling me since i was a kid!!
Wednesday, 11.1.06...
$12 - Cafe El Portal lunch. cute little restaurant in nolita. seats about 12 people. the kind of food i imagine the aztecs and incas ate back in the day, minus the cucumber margs.
$2 - Starbucks Medium coffee w/ Room
$7 - CAB to Vinh's (shared with DP)
$200 - Poker (donated to the David & Ginny fund)
$15 - Car Service home
Thursday, 11.2.06 aka Tristan's Birthday...
$20 - Balthazar lunch w/ T-bone & Kyong. best lunch spot when you're in the mood to splurge or just give yourself a pat on the back.
$20 - Shu Uemura lash curler (darn. sold outta cool holder) for Kyong's B-day
$10 - CAB to 1492
$40 - 1492 for T-Bone's dinner. tapas. excellent tapas. great wines. warm, Spanish vibe.
$8 - CAB back to Skylight (work)
$8 - CAB to St. Jerome's Bar
TOTAL = $106
Minimal Damage for a homie's Birthday...

Friday, 11.3.06...
$2 - MetroCard
$100 - 2 Necklaces made by Jenny Sheriff, a gook! 1 is for Kyong's Birthday.
$2 - Starbucks Medium Coffee w/ Room
TOTAL = $104

CAPTION: did i really need this little number, nope! i just couldn't resist the onyx hearts. mole not inluded.
so, the point of the CAB CAPS is to reflect on the ultimate squandering of benjamins on fricking stinky-ass, trafficky CABS. i will total my CAB spendings at the end of each week and then cry about what i could have saved or bought instead. that should teach a lesson or two. xx
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