Saturday 11.4.06
$20 - Pacifico Restaurant. Best of the best in Carroll Gardens. SOLID. Be it the hearty bloodies, the volcanic nachos, the bigass burrito (it's super fun to listen to old folks order..."errr, um, yes, may i have an order of the, um, eh, bigasssss burrito?") or the grubby, alcohol soaking brunch variety which is essentially eggs, cheese, beans, pico de gallo and tortilla served every which way w/ a different name.
$18 - One Girl Cookie For mini-cookies and espresso, this is the Carroll Gardens spot. 4 different little cookies for $2 on a cute lil plate. Evokes that Teatime feel. Cute.
$2 - MetroCard Off to Work
$2 - Starbucks Medium Coffee w/ Room
$23 - Li Hua Restaurant. Gets-the-Job-Done Korean Food w/ Chinese name. Odd. It ain't no 32nd Street K-food but I WANT MY KiMChee (must be sung like Dire Straits "i want my mtv").
$10 - Antarctica. great local pro-aussie bar, except during weekends, stay away!! Tip money for my RED wine & Huey's Maker's. I send people to Antarctica after our events and in return, I drink for freeeeeeee.
$13 - CAB. home.
TOTAL = $88

One Girl Cookie w/ Professor Huey & T-Bone
Sunday 11.5.06
$0 - Stumbled upon an all travel retail store on Smith Street that sold everything from my fave Travel Scrabble to weekend bags to maps and shit. Like all great service portals, this store was serving Mimosas on little trays and so quite happily, Tristan, Huey & I loitered until we asked about almost every item in the store. Tristan felt so bad that he even bought a $75 Jack Spade wallet. Sucka!!
$30 - Bar Tabac. 2nd fave brunch spot in Carroll Gardens 3 piece big band. very sweet. very french.
$0 - BAM. LOVE BAM. Attempted to watch Borat. Sold Out. But saw Heath Ledger & Michelle Williams outside the theaters. Made me feel fuzzy inside.
TOTAL = $30
Monday 11.6.06
$10 - MetroCard
$2 - Starbucks Medium Coffee w/ Room
$76 - Cafe Noir. I'm over it.
$13 - CAB. home.
TOTAL = $101
Tuesday 11.7.06
$2 - Starbucks Medium Coffee w/ Room
$33 - Film Forum. Fave theater house in NYC. Screening of Werner Herzog's 1972 Film "Aguirre: The Wrath of God". Just think Apocalypse Now meets Monty Python.
$18 - Epistrophy. cute little bricky wine bar w/ stupid food. fennel & pear salad was lame and so was the non-hunkychunky cheese plate.
TOTAL = $53

Wednesday 11.8.06
$2 - Starbucks Medium Coffee w/ Room
$10 - Mooncakes. Soho lunch spizot. Twice a week, I order the "Grilled Salmon Plate (well done) w/ Brown Rice & Spicy Green Sauce." Trust me, your tummy will thank you.
$6 - Pomodoro Pizza. Pairs nicely w/ heros. Guitar Heros that is.
$8 - CAB. home.
TOTAL = $26
Thursday 11.9.06
$2 - Starbucks Medium Coffee w/ Room
$280 - Denise Williamson Showroom sample sale. lotsa Ulla Thompson. yummy.
$20 - Snack. Fave Mediterranean in Soho. Palivou wine perfectly compliments the grape leaves, taramouzalata (fish roe dip) and tzatziki.
$0 - Uniqlo's store opening. $50K toro, champagne a'flowin and Morimoto's vs. Misshapes performance.
$10 - CAB. home.
TOTAL = $312

Friday 11.10.06
$2 - Starbucks Medium Coffee w/ Room
$11 - Sunrise Market. Fave Japanese market. Great casual lunch spot for grubby dubby Japanese food, my go-to dish being the wakame soba noodles in a hot bonito broth. deetydeety deet deet deeet deeeet deeeee...
$0 - Kum Gang San. my girl Cynthia got the bill. ch'yeah!!
$10 - Korean Market. my folks would be so proud.
$2 - Starbucks Medium Coffee w/ Room
++$150 - Poker. lil Dana Lavoie got me new shoes. ok, not just Dana.
$0 - Matchless. Greenpoint bar that's wwwway too loud. Redeeming quality is this one gay bartender who'll play poker with me and vinh on slow nights.
TOTAL = $25
GRAND TOTAL = ++$125
Saturday 11.11.06
$15 - Bedford Cheese Shop. rrrrrrrrrripe.
$0 - Gallery Opening. only serving vodka. Yes!!
$60 - Casimir. 2 stoli martinis, beet & goat cheese salad, salmon entree w/ wild mushrooms and espresso to finish. this spot always pulls through. love it.
$10 - Black & White. Christian is gay.
$0 - No expense b/c Tristan made us take the fricking train home at 1am.
TOTAL = $85

Sunday 11.12.06
$0 - Korean baked ramen w/ 2 eggs. think that w/ age, msg is starting to kick my ass. sucks.
++$150 - Poker. Big Weener!!
TOTAL = ++$150
Monday 11.13.06
$2 - Starbucks Medium Coffee w/ Room
$0 - Canned Soup. stole it from a homeless drive on my way to work.
$0 - Korean baked ramen w/ 2 eggs. know that w/ age, msg is starting to kick my ass. sucks.

Tuesday 11.14.06
$2 - Starbucks Medium Coffee w/ Room
$10 - Hudson St Deli Salad + DC
Rest of Tuesday tbd...
GRAND TOTAL (11/4-11/14/06) = $751 - $300 = $451
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