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This is gonna be a long hard one cause I only remember about 65% of what I did in the last couple weeks... but that's still the majority, so I'll just fill in the gaps with some fun facts. You can decide what you think was real or not. And heeeeere we go.
Monday 11.6.06...
$6 (?) - had some paint chips and a hit off the crack pipe for lunch
$12 - paid tip at Clinton St. Baking Co dinner with David. Had the pork chops over glazed pears with mashed sweet potatos and a beet salad. David had the buttermilk fried chicken. Both were amazing, but I prefer my fried chicken ghetto steeze a la Kennedy's or Popeye's on good days.
$16 - 2 glasses of wine at Clandestino (Ludlow and Canal). Since David was going to spend the rest of the evening lubing himself up for his reunion with his Xbox, I decided to check out the bar downstairs. The bartender was super cute, and the wine was decent. They also serve some tapas-style appetizers like sardines and cheese plates.
Total 11.6.06: $34
Tuesday 11.7.06...
$45.80 - Forever 21: 2 tops and 1 underwear. Replaced lunch with an Energy Bar and went shopping for tops that would hide my double cheeseburgers.
$6.71 - Subway (the usual). I was not joking about my Subway addiction.
$0 - Dinner of sliced steak with a mushroom reduction sauce over brown rice and boiled veggies and pear. Prepared by Vinh as payment for some favors involving a computer and some fonts n stuff.
$10 - 5 maybe 6... 7? glasses of wine at the K.C. Gotta love being Norm at the neighborhood bar.
Total 11.7.06: $62.51
Wednesday 11.8.06...
$4.25 - Jamba Juice. So pointless. So overpriced, but oh so good.
$5 - cab to St. Mark's. Sat in a shoebox at Yakitori Taisho and ate a gallon of oil in fried goodies that a Pokemon/Jermaine Dupri hybrid kid served us. Then we went to Sing Sing karaoke and abused people's ears with metal rants for 2 hours and walked out with popped blood vessels and delusions of grandeur about our soon-to-be careers as the next Sebastian Bach and Phil Anselmo. (All Mashburn's treat!! Yippee~!)
$16 - Went to Calndestino again for a night cap and got 3 for 2 glasses of white.
Total 11.8.06: $25.25
Thursday 11.9.06...
$0 - Meetings in the office all day. The meaning of the combination of the previous jumble of letters of the alphabet should read as nothing but FREE FOOD!
I can't remember for the life of me what the hell I did the rest of this day. There's probably a significant connection between this and all the alcohol I consumed this week, so I'm gonna make a realistic educated guess...
$.75 - pencil shavings and film cleaner for dinner. Swedish fish from the downstairs vending machine for dessert.
Total 11.9.06: $.75 (woohoo!)
Friday 11.10.06...
$4.37 - Whole Foods: small tub of smack n cheese and herb roasted chicken thigh/wing.
$1 - pack of rolaids from the deli to relieve the gas caused by the above meal.
$5 - fuzzy cab ride home from night out with work peeps on the company dime. dude. architects = notorious drinkers. 6 martinis and one shot at Pravda to wash down baked oysters, mini burgers, fries, and fennel salad. The food seemed spectacular beyond belief, but it might've had something to do with the 6 martinis and the giant donation I made to the porcelain gods right before game-time. You know how food always tastes so exquisite after a good face-scrunch sesh. After the "appetizers," went to Public to have dinner. The food was god-awful, but I didn't really taste much of it in between the 3 glasses of wine, port, and mounds of ice cream for dessert. WARNING: in case you ever visit this joint as cross-eyed wasted as I was, pee in the men's bathroom. I think there were 2 locks in the women's. It's a long dramatic story, but after some excessive banging of the fists and a few tears, they found me, and i'm ok now.
Total 11.11.06: $10.37
Saturday 11.11.06
$15 - Brunch at Supper. Woke up still drunk with racoon eyes and one sock on. Needed greasy piles of sustenance. Ate 3 bites of a goat cheese/chicken sandwich and almost puked it all over the pretencious-looking boston terrier sitting next to me. He started looking kinda tasty though. j/k.
$15 - spent last few dollars to my name on drinks at Laura's B-day. I got bitten by a human 3 times and Danny came out to the city. It was party time. Excellent.
Total 11.12.06: $30
Total for the week: $162.88
My apologies for the slight pause, but Snarky's back!!
Saturday 11.4.06
$20 - Pacifico Restaurant. Best of the best in Carroll Gardens. SOLID. Be it the hearty bloodies, the volcanic nachos, the bigass burrito (it's super fun to listen to old folks order..."errr, um, yes, may i have an order of the, um, eh, bigasssss burrito?") or the grubby, alcohol soaking brunch variety which is essentially eggs, cheese, beans, pico de gallo and tortilla served every which way w/ a different name.
$18 - One Girl Cookie For mini-cookies and espresso, this is the Carroll Gardens spot. 4 different little cookies for $2 on a cute lil plate. Evokes that Teatime feel. Cute.
$2 - MetroCard Off to Work
$2 - Starbucks Medium Coffee w/ Room
$23 - Li Hua Restaurant. Gets-the-Job-Done Korean Food w/ Chinese name. Odd. It ain't no 32nd Street K-food but I WANT MY KiMChee (must be sung like Dire Straits "i want my mtv").
$10 - Antarctica. great local pro-aussie bar, except during weekends, stay away!! Tip money for my RED wine & Huey's Maker's. I send people to Antarctica after our events and in return, I drink for freeeeeeee.
$13 - CAB. home.
TOTAL = $88

One Girl Cookie w/ Professor Huey & T-Bone
Sunday 11.5.06
$0 - Stumbled upon an all travel retail store on Smith Street that sold everything from my fave Travel Scrabble to weekend bags to maps and shit. Like all great service portals, this store was serving Mimosas on little trays and so quite happily, Tristan, Huey & I loitered until we asked about almost every item in the store. Tristan felt so bad that he even bought a $75 Jack Spade wallet. Sucka!!
$30 - Bar Tabac. 2nd fave brunch spot in Carroll Gardens 3 piece big band. very sweet. very french.
$0 - BAM. LOVE BAM. Attempted to watch Borat. Sold Out. But saw Heath Ledger & Michelle Williams outside the theaters. Made me feel fuzzy inside.
TOTAL = $30
Monday 11.6.06
$10 - MetroCard
$2 - Starbucks Medium Coffee w/ Room
$76 - Cafe Noir. I'm over it.
$13 - CAB. home.
TOTAL = $101
Tuesday 11.7.06
$2 - Starbucks Medium Coffee w/ Room
$33 - Film Forum. Fave theater house in NYC. Screening of Werner Herzog's 1972 Film "Aguirre: The Wrath of God". Just think Apocalypse Now meets Monty Python.
$18 - Epistrophy. cute little bricky wine bar w/ stupid food. fennel & pear salad was lame and so was the non-hunkychunky cheese plate.
TOTAL = $53
Love this Movie - Aguirre: The Wrath of God
Wednesday 11.8.06
$2 - Starbucks Medium Coffee w/ Room
$10 - Mooncakes. Soho lunch spizot. Twice a week, I order the "Grilled Salmon Plate (well done) w/ Brown Rice & Spicy Green Sauce." Trust me, your tummy will thank you.
$6 - Pomodoro Pizza. Pairs nicely w/ heros. Guitar Heros that is.
$8 - CAB. home.
TOTAL = $26
Thursday 11.9.06
$2 - Starbucks Medium Coffee w/ Room
$280 - Denise Williamson Showroom sample sale. lotsa Ulla Thompson. yummy.
$20 - Snack. Fave Mediterranean in Soho. Palivou wine perfectly compliments the grape leaves, taramouzalata (fish roe dip) and tzatziki.
$0 - Uniqlo's store opening. $50K toro, champagne a'flowin and Morimoto's vs. Misshapes performance.
$10 - CAB. home.
TOTAL = $312
Totes Morimotes @ Uniqlo
Friday 11.10.06
$2 - Starbucks Medium Coffee w/ Room
$11 - Sunrise Market. Fave Japanese market. Great casual lunch spot for grubby dubby Japanese food, my go-to dish being the wakame soba noodles in a hot bonito broth. deetydeety deet deet deeet deeeet deeeee...
$0 - Kum Gang San. my girl Cynthia got the bill. ch'yeah!!
$10 - Korean Market. my folks would be so proud.
$2 - Starbucks Medium Coffee w/ Room
++$150 - Poker. lil Dana Lavoie got me new shoes. ok, not just Dana.
$0 - Matchless. Greenpoint bar that's wwwway too loud. Redeeming quality is this one gay bartender who'll play poker with me and vinh on slow nights.
TOTAL = $25
GRAND TOTAL = ++$125
Saturday 11.11.06
$15 - Bedford Cheese Shop. rrrrrrrrrripe.
$0 - Gallery Opening. only serving vodka. Yes!!
$60 - Casimir. 2 stoli martinis, beet & goat cheese salad, salmon entree w/ wild mushrooms and espresso to finish. this spot always pulls through. love it.
$10 - Black & White. Christian is gay.
$0 - No expense b/c Tristan made us take the fricking train home at 1am.
TOTAL = $85
I was drunk & bit off the corner of that 4 train sign behind Tristan. I swear. Don't ask me why.
Sunday 11.12.06
$0 - Korean baked ramen w/ 2 eggs. think that w/ age, msg is starting to kick my ass. sucks.
++$150 - Poker. Big Weener!!
TOTAL = ++$150
Monday 11.13.06
$2 - Starbucks Medium Coffee w/ Room
$0 - Canned Soup. stole it from a homeless drive on my way to work.
$0 - Korean baked ramen w/ 2 eggs. know that w/ age, msg is starting to kick my ass. sucks.
MSG made me dream that i fell madly in love with this man named Antonio Esfandiari, a poker pro & magician. what?
Tuesday 11.14.06
$2 - Starbucks Medium Coffee w/ Room
$10 - Hudson St Deli Salad + DC
Rest of Tuesday tbd...
GRAND TOTAL (11/4-11/14/06) = $751 - $300 = $451
Tuesday 11.6.06
In an effort to save money, I try to subsist off of stale candy and fiber crackers in my desk at work. By evening time, its Luke's last supper so I break down and buy him a six-pack; half Grolsch and half Brooklyn Lager Oktoberfest. We eat a shitty Dumont Burger meal-- it was cold takeout with soggy fries and the meat was quite tasteless for the first time. He then spent $60+ on car service one way to Newark airport, then again BACK, when he realized his flight had taken off the night before, when we were blowing our wads at our buddy Seki-San's overpriced but delish joint.
$10- Corner Deli for 6-pack of beer.
TOTAL: $10
Wednesday 11.7.06
I ate shit on the wet subway platform this rainy morning and my knee is bruised and swollen. I was just happy that the conductor kept the door open for my embarrassed ass to enter, and also relieved that my crappy buttcrack cleavage jeans from China didn't rip. On the spending end, I am still managing to scrape by being a complete mooch. Managed to manipulate my work to buy pizza for lunch. Then went to get the WORST massage ever at Broadway Spa. See my scathing review on Citysearch:
$120- Broadway Spa (aka Shittiest Shit Hole, NYC) Prepaid during Spa Week. I insisted they refund us $20 of the fee and use it towards the undeserved tip. When I walked in they asked me if I wanted: Shiatsu or Swedish massage, but somehow I ended up with the Polish massage. The Eastern Bloc guy spent the whole time just over-lubing me up and barely applying any pressure. All I felt were his hairy knuckles tickling me through the peat bog of goo on my back. This was worse than a massage from my boyfriend! Even Chef thought to himself, "Gee this is bad, I wonder if this is what it feels like for Steph to get a massage from me." When i flipped over, I noticed mirrors on the ceiling, which would be great if I was having an orgie with hot trannies, but all it did was reflect back my multi-chins trying to stifle back laughter over how horrible everything was. I even blurted out, "Are you sure this is a Swedish massage?" The guy freaked out and began to squirt even more lube juice onto me and squeezed my foot like he was trying to fold a pizza slice in half. I laid there with my eyes open, considering standing up and demanding a manicure instead. You know how when you get your hand massaged and fingers pulled, you hear that thai massage-style snap? Nothing like this here. I felt like he was pulling my fingers to trigger a fart. He also tried to fold my elbows back to stretch, but since I didn't feel anything stretching, I knew he was just trying to twist me backwards to cop a glance at my titties, so I resisted. I want my money back. I asked the front desk if the dudes were even accredited! This place gets rave reviews from gay publications, so it makes me think that guys on meth are too numb to feel what a bad massage is.
$32- Forever 21. 1 pair black slim jeans that are already starting to sag in the knee. By next week they should be stretched out enough to wear as my winter sweatpants indoors. Yes, Chef came with me, but he bought two thermals, so don't hate!
$0- The yummiest homemade pizza by Chef! One was the Chez Panisse special: sauteed onions and mushrooms with fontina, mozzarella, baked with an egg cracked over it, then blanketed in prosciutto. You dip the pizza tips into the yolk once you slice and dice it. PURE HEAVEN.
TOTAL: $152 & over-pizza'd out for the day! Also, aiming to get a refund on my massages.
Saturday November 4, 2006
$11 Deli breakfast for lady and I (ham,egg,cheese,tomato on croissant for me. sausage, egg, tomato on sesame for her and 2x ice hazelnut coffees)
$115 Las Ramblas dinner for lady and I 6 different tapas items and a bottle of wine
(annoying gay waiter traps us again. this time he both amused and annoyed me. i am still up for ideas on how to feel about him)
$10 2x vodka tonics at the Monster while sitting around listing to some gays play on the piano. good times
$5 cab to Eastern Bloc in East Village
$0 for 2 vodka tonics at Eastern Bloc lady friend decides to treat for a few
$0 for 2 vodka tonics at Boysroom go to a bar specifically to meet friend/owner to get free drinks. Yes I'm that shameless.
$6 cab home
$4 for pizza that I don't really remember but found in my fridge the next day. It had meat on it and was thick. Where I got it I really cannot remember
TOTAL: $151
Sunday November 5, 2006
$0 waking up still drunk at 8:30
$6.78 for 2 bags o' tater tots at Associated Supermarket for Steph's marathon shinding
$25 at Willyb Deli for 6 pack of Corona, 6 pack of Imperial, and flowers for Butchie's party
$0 Marathon party food and drink
$15 Saigon Grill delivery - standard hangover food for Liz and I. I got some appetizer and soup.
Total: $46.78
Monday November 6, 2006
$2.50 Ice Hazelnut at deli on way to work
$6.50 Salad bar and bag o'chips - you would think after seeing a rat running around the deli I would loose my desire to eat lunch. No such luck sucker.
$0 Homemade chili dinner - nice meal to celebrate a good interview made by the lady.
Total: $9
SATURDAY 11.4.06
$2- Iced Coffee at Oslo. Its picking up in there!
+$27- Beacon's diddly payment for old dirty clothes
$22- Polish Meat Store on North 9th and Bedford for 4lbs of kielbasa. (Worth every inch- lengthwise and girth)
$0- drinking for free at home then at dingy party
$12- sixpack of coors light + cheetos + chips to feed vinh, ginny, dirty and myself into the morning hours.
SUNDAY 11.5.06
Marathon viewing party starting in Brooklyn, followed by 10 minute nap and then Louisa Dowry Dinner with Luke... drinking from 10am to 3am
$15- cab fare to city
$120- 18% tip at Morimoto. Sucked. Will update with review later.
$10- 2 vodka sodas at Stoned Crow (bartender picked up my third)
TOTAL: $145
MONDAY 11.6.06
$9- Lunch at Comfort Diner
$9- cab fare to East village
$20- 2 beers + 1 Whiskey At 7B Bar (Luke's pairing: the Heineken with Jack on the rocks)
$744.80- Sushi Seki with Luke, Linyee, Chef. Damn Luke's saki bottle orders!! I am in the red. No more money to spend for the rest of the year. This is very very painful. This is the ultimate new low. Company and sashimi was great, but with my last paycheck looming, I am hurting real bad. Mor specific review of the food that bit my wallet-- to come.
TOTAL: $782.80
Hello boys and girls, today we will be discussing the very important art of being an utterly shameless mooch. One part cheap bastard, one part poor paycheck, all parts having uber-generous friends who love getting their friends wasted and watching them dance like constipated sea monkeys... more on that later. Now it's time for some ketchup...
Thursday, 11.02.06
$0 - fresh yummy office coffee. fresh because i came in at 8:30, and yummy because i dumped 10 lbs of sugar in it to make up for its crap taste.
$6.71 - subway sandwich #479 for 2006. 6-inch club on Italian herbs, white cheese, lettuce, tomato, cucumber, olive, bell peppers, jalepeno, salt and pepper, dash of vinegar, little bit of mayo and yellow mustard, can you cut in half please? thanks, i'll get the combo, cool ranch doritos, with sierra mist. This atrocity happens often, and I've already braced myself for harsh criticism. There's no reason I or anyone should be feeding the down-y former fat-bastard Jared any more of anything besides some dog biscuits and Trim-Spa, but, seriously man, if I didn't "Subway it" as I like to affectionately call this blessed event, I'd never eat any vegetables and I'd die and you'd be really sad. I promise. Plus it's awesome hangover food #2, only to be outdone by the crazy hexagonal flat taco pocket thing from THE BELL. Amen
$0 - 1 Jameson on the rocks at Brass Monkey, listening to designer boyfriend and buddy talk about wanting to tear off the fingernails of some condescending french lady's hands and feeding it to her through her belly button... oh those designer kids.
$7 - 2 jack on the rocks and a basket of chicken fingers with Danny at Nancy Whiskey. I don't know how that really worked out money-wise... Danny insisted that that was all I owed and I was too drunk to argue.
$3 - ginger ale @ Jeromes for Tristance's B-day. Chickens fingers were NOT sitting well that evening. Looked much better in the toilet the next day.
Total: $16.71
Friday, 11.03.06
$3.99 - yogurt and fresh fruit medley from Whole Foods.
$6.71 - Salad bar at Whole Foods. Ok, calm down. Before you start buying water and canned food for the seemingly imminent apocolypse, I had more cheese and chicken wings in my "salad" than actual greens, so relax.
$338.21 - plane ticket to LA. Newark to LAX. quality!
$175 - one of many medical bills from my broken wrist. This is HALF a payment for ONE FUCKING x-ray! So retarded...
Total: $522.91
Saturday, 11.05.06
$2 - afternoon coffee at the Archive
$1 - towel for the gym
$0 - 2 gin and tonics, 2 shots of patron, and 3 sips of whiskey compliments of Stefleiss' pantry and one large jug of vodka courtesy of a distressed openbartender at a crowded brooklyn event. Then half a beer and half another vodka, i mean grey goose, and soda later, whilst drunkenly oh-my-gawd-ing to DM tracks at Savalas... this is the point, and here we go folks, where the circle meets it's end, i danced like a constipated sea monkey til 4 am. Stefleiss, I owe you a bottle of bombay sapphire and a bag of cheetos.
Total: $3
Sunday, 11.06.06
$0 - Madame Stefleiss' utmost generosity and awesomeness continued as I woke up on her floor, way too fully clothed, next to a bag of unsuspecting cheetos. The smell of fresh kielbasa and eggs seared my nostrils like the flames of a heavenly phoenix as my fat ass arose from a slumber so deep and serene. I immediately started stuffing my face with breakfast burritos and homemade buttermilk waffles and washed them down with pints of spiced bloody mary's. A feast for champions! A feast for kings! Oh, and there were some people running or something outside. Stefleiss I owe you a bottle of vodka and a bag of tater tots.
$8 - car service home
$1.50 - approximately 2.7 seconds after I fervently declared to Danny that I'd never eat crap like Wonf-Foo again I ordered a small pork fried rice and ate it happily with some kimchee.
Total: $9.50
THURSDAY, 11.02.06...
***Disclaimer: rough estimate spends due to brain damage from liver soaking this week).
$24 - Whole Foods. Work petty cash for office snacks. I usurped the snack curating role this week, effectively replacing the shitty dry vegan cookies and fake chocolate that my hapless coworker would always buy with flavor-bursting nachos and a ghetto charcuterie. Also snuck in a lunch for myself of the mixed pea shoots salad. (What I imagine fresh spring grass to taste like for a starved cow). Could live off this and sashimi for the rest of my life (and I might be 50 lbs less).
$59 - Club Monaco. 2 identical jersey dresses on sale; high waist with smart pockets. One in dark teal, other in black. Would have bought it khaki too but the material and construct looked the cheap truth in a light color. I am a sucker for repetition when I like something.
$70- Ltaf bday dinner @ Congee Village Paid for 1 stomach (mine) and 3 livers (Luke and Hagen included). Was able to teach the waitress what a double jack on the rocks is. Personally consumed congee w/abalone, smatterings of 3 lbs geoduck- 2 lbs sashimi and 1 lb hot pepper fried (sashimi was a 4 on freshness and bite on a scale of 10; fried is always tasty), fried pork ribs, sauteed snow peas, sauteed water spinach, house special chicken + multiple renditions of the happy birthday song in Engrish then Chinese blared on the speakers, sung as "Happy Birssday.." Most I have ever spent there, but it was probably the excessive alcohol and the Geoduck (at ~$24/lb). Also first time with leftovers.
$80 - St. Jerome's Bar. Lots of whiskeys and a few shots of Jaeger for the bday boy Tristanbul.
$16 - Cab fare home, dropping Vinh off first.
TOTAL: $249
Also notable, I drunkenly set my oven on fire when I tried to broil the leftovers of Congee Village to warm up for hungry, overworked, adorable chef. Extinguished with my vintage plant puffer spray. We left the charred remains outside on the balcony as a gift of penance to the kitchen gods.
WEDNESDAY, 11.01.06...
$10- Wichcraft Breakfast. Iced coffee and the onion frittata in a ciabatta role. The gourmand's hangover special, only ordered as a reward if you find drunkenly misplaced $10bill in your pocket from the night before. Tasted zesty with tomato spread, but the smooth veneer and elliptical mold of the egg was redolent of Automat. Wouldn't order this again.
$1- Cape Cod Russet chips. Burnt dirty potato flakes of heaven. First time eaten in months. Bad sign, must fight the relapse of my genetic chip eating predilection, inherited from my lil brother. Reawakened my desire to visit the Cape Cod Chips factory (map on the back of the bag)
$0- Kasadela. Exquisite and homely izakaya dinner from the bespoke restaurant, on my man's hard earned dime.
$25- To S-Random for the extra ticket for The Knife show at Webster Hall. Show was fun but felt canned. Could have used more surround sound, longer set (lasted like 45min it felt). They were disguised like gimp teletubbies and danced like such.
$140- Momofuku Ssam Bar Couldn't resist a 2a.m. meal on the late night menu to celebrate WeeBot's return to town. 1 bottle of Cava (was a rose, and was a bit too fruit forward) so next ordered the Cuvee Blanc. Each was around $34-38. Noshed on Colonel Bill Newsome's Country Ham. Dreamy flavor, shaved like prosciutto. Spicy tripe needed to have more of its namesake in the dish. Overruled by beef shards instead. Lil RayRay ordered a brussel sprout dish I forgot shortly thereafter about. Oh wait, it had apples julienned on top.
$40- NYC MTA. Subway card to last me through 2 more weeks in NYC prior to Thanksgiving in Cali.
TOTAL: $216
um, okay...this is gonna be pretty embarassing but this shame will be good for me in the longrun. that's my new mantra. "the shame will be good for me in the longrun". wait a sec, i just realized, that's what my parents have been telling me since i was a kid!!
Wednesday, 11.1.06...
$12 - Cafe El Portal lunch. cute little restaurant in nolita. seats about 12 people. the kind of food i imagine the aztecs and incas ate back in the day, minus the cucumber margs.
$2 - Starbucks Medium coffee w/ Room
$7 - CAB to Vinh's (shared with DP)
$200 - Poker (donated to the David & Ginny fund)
$15 - Car Service home
Thursday, 11.2.06 aka Tristan's Birthday...
$20 - Balthazar lunch w/ T-bone & Kyong. best lunch spot when you're in the mood to splurge or just give yourself a pat on the back.
$20 - Shu Uemura lash curler (darn. sold outta cool holder) for Kyong's B-day
$10 - CAB to 1492
$40 - 1492 for T-Bone's dinner. tapas. excellent tapas. great wines. warm, Spanish vibe.
$8 - CAB back to Skylight (work)
$8 - CAB to St. Jerome's Bar
TOTAL = $106
Minimal Damage for a homie's Birthday...

Friday, 11.3.06...
$2 - MetroCard
$100 - 2 Necklaces made by Jenny Sheriff, a gook! 1 is for Kyong's Birthday.
$2 - Starbucks Medium Coffee w/ Room
TOTAL = $104

CAPTION: did i really need this little number, nope! i just couldn't resist the onyx hearts. mole not inluded.
so, the point of the CAB CAPS is to reflect on the ultimate squandering of benjamins on fricking stinky-ass, trafficky CABS. i will total my CAB spendings at the end of each week and then cry about what i could have saved or bought instead. that should teach a lesson or two. xx
So Halloweenie adventures consisted of a lot of unrememberance, and by unrememberance I mean I vaugely remember suffocating under a rubber mask of a baseball, madame stephanie fleiss' smooshed pancakes, the sweaty armpits of a chef (a real one not a costumed one), and a somewhat large but convincing Karl Lagerfeld... meaning, I was very hungry and hungover yesterday. SOOOOO, Lettuce begin...
Wednesday, 11.01.06...
$1.65: first cup of coffee from News Bar Cafe (still saving my free one for a REAL emergency!!)
$15: Lunch at Republic in Union Sqaure. I know. We hate it. But we Love it. But we hate it. (Get the coconut skrimp!!)
$0.37: into an empty 5 gallon water bottle to help the homeless... or buy crack, who knows. I've never trusted these guys, but apparently one penny, just one penny, will make a difference, so I gave 37 of 'em.
$2: pair of size 9 sports socks from street vendor in Union Square cause I didn't do laundry and I hate my boyfriend's socks. I think I have like 9 of these at home... the guy should start giving me a "10th Ones on Us!" card.
$50: Went to that new place E.U. (European Union) in the EV for dinner with David. Decor was played, but something about barnyard bathroom modern vampiric ye-olde-tavern hicksville chic (a la Marlow & Sons) still gets to me. Food was good, but nothing special. Great cava for $7, and the service was surprisingly excellent (i.e. they actually talk to you and serve you your food. they MUST be starved for buisness.)
Total: $69.02
Tuesday, 10.31.06...
$53 Drinks at Le Singe Vert
$4.50 for 40oz Olde English and bag of Wise chips
$8 cab ride home from some bar no idea of name that I went to with other Steph and Co.
$5 for 2 slices of pizza. I think that it actually cost $6 but the guy likes me and gave me a dolla off. I have a feeling this entire project is going to encourage flirting and stealing to appear to save money.
Total $78.50
Wednesday, 11.1.06...
Happy All Saint's Day people. Tonight I am going to see the Knife. Cannot wait and I am betting it's gonna be another bender.
$3 for the Halloween card I STILL haven't gotten for girlfriend
$7 for breakfast sandwich from wichcraft. I swear I ate it in 4 bites
$2.50 for the sweet sweet ice coffee that helped take the hangover away.
$0 snacking on anything salty I find the back office closet and putting peanut butter on it.
$20 for dinner tonight with friend in town.
$20 (guessing) for alkeehol at said concert.
Total $52
On one short note, Courtney Love was in town last night signing copies of her new book. I see sobriety is making her dress like a cracked out grandma.
Retroactive Entry (so this is the real 1st DS entry. oh no, i just noticed that Madame Steph posted her's in the year of 1006. darn, you win). by, Eugenia Snark
MONDAY, 10.30.06...
$2 - Starbucks Medium Coffee w/ Room
$0 - Sacked Lunch (Veggie Sushi Rolls & Apple, since you asked)
$20 - Cafe Noir Dinner (warning: they only take Amex. Total was $80 but that's all I had.)
What happened to MasterCard anyways? It ruled!! It was the ubiquitous card during the time that I came up and now what? Is American Express sucking you all off like that, to the point where you don't want anyone else? I agree with Sienna on this one, Monogamy is Overrated.
TUESDAY, 10.31.06...
I'd like to start by saying Happy Birthday Vanilla Ice!! That being said...
$2 - Starbucks Medium Coffee w/ Room
$0 - Sacked Lunch (Veggie Sushi Rolls & Apple, since you asked)
$$$ - dinner/drink/cab budget for the night ahead. (PROJECTED ON 10/31 @ 4PM)
$25 - candy for the kiddies. ended up chillin on the stoop with homies and passing out candy to the kiddies the hood and having a jolly ole time. (ACTUAL @ 9PM)
$10 - thai take-out, pad see ew with tofu. mmmm...(ACTUAL @ 9PM)
Please forgive me in advance. I'm thinking, actually, I know that there are going to be holes in my spending thread. After 10pm, I make no promises regarding the authenticity of my spending log. Entertain you, I will, but join me in laughter, as you certainly will, at the large picture, rather than the play by play, particularly after 10pm, maybe, even 8pm on better nights,,,xx
This couldn't have come at a better time. I am both trying to loose weight and also
save some money so writing down what I spend and eat in a type of high school anorexic fashion is perfect. I swear this was in a Lifetime movie where Tracy Gold plays an anorexic and writes everything down all day in hopes of controlling her intake. Of course all she wrote was 2 chopped pieces of carrots and gum and I think she even barfed that shit up but still, maybe this will shame me into eating less and keep me out of financial ruin. At least that is what I was thinking when I started this..
Today I brought a bag of premade chicken to work to eat for lunch to curb the expenses.
$4.For my morning treat to myself for actually going to work I got my large ice hazelnut coffee and apple juice
$4.81 For lunch I decided to screw the chopped chicken pieces and go out and get lunch because I was bored and needed to leave. I was so starving I ended up picking an assortment from a salad bar that contained soggy cesear salad, old stale kimchee, some broccoli salad and to top it off some horrible smelling nondescript chicken type thing. I ended up coming back to my cube and eating the broccoli, throwing the rest out and eating some of the chicken I actually brought in for myself to eat.
I am really sticking to this plan well I can already see...
$3 Halloween Card - Being the bad person in the relationship girlfriend already gave me a card upon waking up this AM. Rather than give her the ball of lint I have in my pocket and or some candy wrappers I find on the floor, I figure it's best to keep up the good appearances and get her a card
$10 - bottle of wine to sweeten up appearances with said girlfriend.
DinDin will be provided by the missus. Good times.
So for today already we're looking at $4, 4,81, 3, and box o wine 10 is $21.81.
All Hallow's Eve... Day One and counting!
$0: burnt office coffee
$0: leftover toppings of salad from yesterday's office meeting, including but not limited to, bacon bits, avocado, and something that resembles an egg... or crumbled giant snot pellets, but most likely an egg. (lettuce discarded for uselessness)
$1.65: coffee #2 from News Bar Cafe on University and 13th. Excellent coffee served by vacant baristas. Just got the 9th stamp on a "10th One's On US!!!" card which means tomorrow will be a day of celebrations. A day where angels will descend from parted clouds of the sky and hand me a $4 large triple shot soy latte free of charge. More on that tomorrow....
My day's spendings are usually planned out according to 3 important factors of the day: 1. my hangover 2. timing of my bowel movements 3. how i plan to handle said hangover at the end of the workday. #1 and #2 usually determine when i'm going to eat and how much (quantity by poundage) I plan on eating. Food seems to be the cause of my biggest expenditures and the greater the hangover, the greater the bowel movement, the greater the hunger... i'm sure you're getting the picture. That leaves #3. I'd say 4 out of 5 hangovers of the week are handled with the hair of a dog rather than good sound sleep, and that, as my fellow New Yorkers are finely aware, is a giant proverbial hole in the pocket if there ever was one.
So... I would probably have to rate myself as being on the cheap side of the fence since my 3 jobs garner me a few rocks and a bottle cap for pay, but it'll nonetheless be interesting to see exactly where those rocks and bottle caps go!!
Recap: Tuesday, October 31st, 2006 - $1.65 (obviously not hunover today) + $40 for drinks later tonight (hey, it's halloween!) = $41.65 (dinner provided by my suitor, WORD?!)
First test entry....
HALLOW'S EVE.. and counting (per Madame Stephanie Fleiss)
$0: burnt office coffee and a handful of pepperidge farm goldfish (parmesan) leftover from yesterday
$1: Dr. Brown's Cream Soda at Deli
When is the last time you created salt burns on the edges of your mouth from eating goldfish? I am trying to food push them on Steph so that by the time my other coworker builds up the nerve to come over and stick her grubby paws into the bag to help herself without asking, there will be nothing but crumbs.
ok and for more juice:
Monday 10/30/1006
$0: bad office coffee with 1.5 packs of sugar bc i needed the kick and that feeling of soggy, spongy teeth.
$6.81: Salad at corner deli for lunch
$20.00: co-pay at eye doctor for an emergency evaluation of the sty in my eye
$12.61: Bedford pharmacy for 3 pairs of kneehigh socks for .99Cents each and some miracle eye ointment for the resident zit inside my eye
$61 + $15 tip: Marlow and Sons. Half of the bill split with Lauren (and Ryan) for midnight meal of 18 oysters + 1 chicken liver pate + Marlow's final bottle of the Cava (ever in inventory) + 1 bottle of the Prosecco they are now replacing the Cava with. A steal at $34/bottle but the Prosecco is much fruitier, which I guess I have to live with. Grrrrr.
$0: Maker's Mark on the rocks at East River Bar, courtesy of Ryan. In a few days you will see cost of laundry, as they endorse encaged smoking aka, inddors, and into the weave of my clothes.
$0: Vice Guide to Travel DVD-- slept through most of it till 3:45a.m. Woke up in the segment with that dude Trace- who is the ultimate douchebag I met on Laura B's balconey a year or so ago. Chef started the account, so I consider it free!

Ahhhhhhhh, the beauty and charm of Marlow, into the depths of my wallet...
This is the first test entry for our new blogging venture. The inspiration: a diary of 6 vaired income New Yorkers: Our intent is to delight you with our lavish and rash wastes of money and to give you perspective on what we think was worth it or not. On this site you will find the spending perspective of chinks, gooks, whities, gays, straights, spendthrifts, cheapsters, cooks, office duds, etc. Thanks to Eug and Ginny for the name of our new online rant/confessional/diary/trash-talking forum! Enjoy!